Maura Sample Fairy Luminary |
This past Friday night, the group I monitor, In My Vintage Room and Beyond
(http://www.inmyvintageroomandbeyond.blogspot.com) held a Art Gathering hosted
by Maura and Lori. The theme of the gathering for the food was a BBQ which was
awesome (thank you Lori) and the project a Fairy Luminary. Maura and Lori did a
great job coming up with all kinds of supplies for us to create our project.
They supplied rocks, stones, straw, moss, twigs, jars, tea lights, marbles, shells, collage
sheets with fairies and so much more that I just can't remember everything that was there.
Maura and Lori knowing how much I love Halloween found a collage sheet with Witches, cats, cauldrons
brooms just everything Halloween, they even found this little orange ceramic cat sitting on a
pumpkin for me. I was in my glory. So of course it took me a couple minutes to gather a few
things to start creating my Witches Luminary. I used stones for the base, glued some moss to the glass
for a back ground glued some little plastic glittery beads to the top of the cauldron
along with some glitter to make it look like it was bubbling and even made a spell book for my Witch.
Once I had this all assembled I decided she need a broom so with another twig and some raffia I made
her a broom and wired it to the outside of the jar then tired some ribbons on, that were hand dyed by
Maura (shades of orange, green and purples)knowing I would do a Halloween theme. And Laura had a
Tim Holtz trinket with the points of the compass on it that just completed the evenings project. I LOVE LOVE LOVE
My Witches Luminary |
Check out all the details |
Check out the bubbling cauldron |
and the not so scary, scary pumpkin |
I want to once again say thank you to Lori and Maura for hosting this fun art gathering. And for all the special attention
to details. It just made the evening.